Monday, August 07, 2006

Hillary Clinton

I haven't much liked H. Clinton since she cosponsored the flag-burning bill. (Isn't it just my luck that I'll be moving to NYC soon?) Her move towards central social conservative values (video game hearings) is a calculated effort to garner some bipartisan support without really sacrificing any Democratic sacred cows. Just the same, Kos talks about a sweeping undercurrent of discontent in the rank and file.

That was actually my first thought when I heard Bill Clinton was campaigning for Lieberman. There are plenty of reasons why Joe is going down. He's pro-war and socially conservative, with closer ties to the DC establishment than his constituency. Suppose he goes. Who is next? Maybe a senator from New York. I think Bill Clinton supported a man who largely stabbed him in the back during the impeachment days mostly to provide political cover for his wife's move to the center. If voters decide they need fresh blood, well there aren't many politicians more "establishment" than Hillary Clinton.


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