Thursday, February 16, 2006

Conservative quibbles

What is irony?

When someone at the NRO rips on George Will?

When someone who's title is "Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies" defends warrantless spying by executive powers without any oversight?

When McCarthy's entire defense of the NSA program omits that the government is spying on US citizens and only uses the word "citizen" is within a quotation of Will's?

When it ultimately turns out that the NSA has been at least occasionally intercepting calls between 2 Americans and McCarthy's entire argument goes down the tubes?

I'll tell you what's not irony: another pathos-laden piece that urges more executive power, demeans it's opponents, and concludes with a fearful closer about "a wartime enemy that seeks, above all else, to mount a massive attack against the homeland." That's just another day at NRO. Link credit to Tigerhawk, with whom I must disagree, but still thank for teaching me the word "internecine".

I like George Will. He's an old-school type who advocates smaller government and fiscal responsibility. I even agree with this piece on checks and balances. Even when I don't agree, at least his writing is good and he calls it like he sees it.

True intellectual conservatives are fun to read. To plagurize the Wachoski Brothers: reading Will is like wiping your ass with silk. On the other hand, I find reading McCarthy akin to wiping my ass with hot sauce.


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