Saturday, February 24, 2007

Fun Site of the Day: CONSERVAPEDIA!

Built to conteract the evil liberal bias of Wilipedia, Conservapedia is an online resourse for conservative thinkers! From the main page:

Conservapedia is an online resource and meeting place where we favor Christianity and America. Conservapedia has easy-to-use indexes to facilitate review of topics. You will much prefer using Conservapedia compared to Wikipedia if you want concise answers free of "political correctness".

Political Correctness? Maybe even free of correctness altogether!

Here's an example at random (seriously, the first thing I thought of) : Galileo

1564-1642 Italian astronomer who perfected the telescope and was persecuted for adhering to the theory of Copernicus. In 1609, Galileo perfected the telescope. It was modeled after other telescopes made in Europe. With it, he was able to witness a supernova, observe our moon, and document the phases of Venus. He also located sunspots. These discoveries helped support the Copernican system.

[Hey that's not too did that Copernican theory turn out anyway? Also, who persecuted Galileo? Probably Muslim terrorists or something. Who cares though...all he did was copy other people's telescopes.]

Here's Wikipedia's version. See how biased it is?

Link credit to Sadly, no which takes a few shots, and had the patience to find a doozy. A teaser:

The existence of unicorns is controversial. Secular opinion is that they are mythical. However, they are referred to in the Bible nine times,[1] which provides an unimpeachable de facto argument for their once having been in existence.

Free of bias and perfect for homeschoolers!

Post-Noachian references[1] to unicorns have led some researchers to argue that unicorns are still alive today. [btw, post-Noachian means after Noah. fyi, Noah was a guy in the Bible]

I so wish my research involved unicorns. Maybe I'll try for a unicorn studies grant...


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