Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Richard Cohen - Twice reformed war cheerleader

I'm going to stick with my previous assessment of war cheerleaders.

Yesterday the WaPo columnist Richard Cohen chimed in.

It's a very moving tale of Cohen's four different personalities who were alternately wrong and right about Vietnam and Iraq. Aside from the megalomania of a columnist talking about four people, all them himself, my primary observation is this: Way to go shithead, you're 0 for 2. Hilzoy thinks the guy should resign. I think he should just be more straightforward with an "I was wrong". Ok, given his track record: "I was wrong twice, and probably will be again."

Back when I wrote this:
Converts, I'm happy to welcome you to reality (happier than you'll be when you finally see it), but I want you to remember something. The reason I'm not interested in your revelations is because inside, at the core of your being, you're still the same ditzy cheerleader you were last week, month, or year. People like you brought this clusterfuck to pass, and you should be ashamed of yourself. I don't expect you to have the grace to shut-up, but at least put away the megaphone. You're embarrassing.

Cohen's who I was talking about: the same ditzy cheerleader who fell for the same thing twice. He's still got a megaphone. Someday he'll use it to be wrong a third time.


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