Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Drunk Blogging

Not entirely drunk, but not entirely sober either.

Ten Stone was pretty cool. I met a couple interesting people from the Drink Liberally crowd. Since they had doctorates and also work in labs at Penn we mostly talked science. Haven't become any more liberal, but now I have a nice "Drink Liberally" button! I mostly hung out with friends I brought. I feel a little bad about not buying Chuck Pennachio a beer (I mean how cool would it be if he becomes a senator to have bought him a beer?) I dunno though, I'm leaning towards Casey atm (meaning I've never heard of Chuck before today).

Of course if HE bought ME a beer my vote would be guaranteed. Realitically though, I'm not a Dem so can't help in the primaries....and I can't imagine the person I wouldn't pick over he either will or won't get my vote anyway.

Later we (my friends, not the liberals) did Quizzo at the Bards and came in 2nd to was a humbling experience.

Final note: it wasn't looking too safe out tonight. There's usually more folks out when I go home from the bars. Then again I usually only drink on weekends. No more midnight quizzo for me.


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