Friday, April 29, 2005

I hurts to admit this...but I admire...I can't even say it.

There is a Univeristy on the East Coast that is highly repected. It is the third oldest in the country, and judged by many to be the third best (though nearly all of it's attendees consider it number one). I've talked a lot of trash about this particular school, and despite liking many of it's graduates, have a hard time saying anything good about it. There are trust fund babies at many colleges, but this one with it's dining clubs and obnoxious cliques goes out of it's way to redefine snobby. I admit to a particular contempt for this institution: so much that it is very, very difficult for me to praise it (though the campus is lovely). It is probably the most conservative university in it's calibre, and generally considered apathetic. In the height of Nam, protesting students carried banners that said "Even we are protesting."

This school evidently has deep ties to the Frist family, including a building named after one of them. That is the site of a bold student protest of the recent movement to prevent abolition of the fillibuster. Students (and guests) have been fillibustering the Frist building for 2 days. I should that it is very close to final exam time in most schools, but these students are taking the time (even at all hours of the night) to make a valuable political statement. I wish my school were capable of that. I am humbled. I promise, no more talking shit about Princeton, for at least as long as this protest endures.


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