Thursday, September 21, 2006

Chronicles of inanity

With props to a fellow grad student I bring you this:

What does one do with the enormous amounts of free bandwidth one can obtain on blogger, flicker, or you-tube? One person out there has decided to post pictures of toothpaste. Everyday. Twice a day. Toothpaste.

This went on for the bulk of a year. That dogged, pointless determination drew the attention of many, including such sites as Boing-Boing. But alas, in that the toothpastery flew too close to the sun, as aforementioned grad student (who has a peculiar genius that may be low-grade autism) noticed that two of the the toothpastes were the in fact the same picture!!

Oh the horror!

It appears that the toothpaste phenomenon has withered in the light of this sordid corruption and the toothpastery no longer posts daily photos.

At the end of this tale I was left asking: What the fuck is the point!? I felt as though data had been seared into my mind that was utterly useless; the very definition of inane. And so to lend it value, I've passed it onto you. Like a cursed chain-letter of inanity, whatever time it took you to read this post, you have learned nothing of substance.

Reminds me in a way of grad school.


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