Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Trouble for Lieberman

Having grown up in CT I keep meaning to put in my 2 cents on Lieberman. But there's so much to cover I probably never will. I don't like him, and as I've pointed out before, that's not so much because of the fact that he breaks party dogma, so much as the issues he chooses to break on.

This past weekend I learned that my 83 year-old grandmother doesn't like him. Grandma's a big fan of the New London Day, Don Imus, and whatever gossip floats around the Senior Center. Missing from that equation is the blogosphere. Grandma doesn't own a computer, and I'm not sure she's ever used one. She's decided that Lieberman doesn't really represent her.

I imagine if Lieberman goes down both credit and blame will go to the "netroots", but they'll be missing a big chunk of the story.


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