Thursday, June 08, 2006

A page from the book of Rove

Free advice to Democrats. Just as republicans bang on the anti-gay drums and add legislation to state ballots in an effort to draw their base to the polls, I'd like to point out that Democrats could do the same thing if they had their act together.

One take home lesson of the California special election is that while Independents might lean Democratic, they don't really turnout for special elections. The same is true for midterm elections.

But add a resolution to the ballot calling for a full troop withdrawl by May 2008 (5 years after the invasion) and suddenly you'll have people's attention. Or have a state legislature issue a refferendum on whether to recall that state's national guard.

You want to electrify the midterm and get lazy Dems and Indies to the polls? Put something on line and give them a reason to show up.

Page number two. If the Republicans are going to clamor about adding garbage to the Constitution like anti-gay marriage ammendments or anti-flag-burning ammendments, then how about some liberal ammendments too?

1: Codify a right to privacy. Conservatives like to point out there's no such right in the Constitution, but the general populace seems to think there is. Let's please the populace by adding one. In fact, we can compromise. I'll gladly part with my right to burn a flag in order to obtain Constitutional privacy law.

2: Make a Constitution ammendment on presidential signing statements. That's a little more red-meatish, but could be politically useful.


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