Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Almost too easy...

Let's play fill in the blanks:

Guys like [OMITTED] don't take a public demotion -- even if they retain real power -- unless they are under tremendous internal pressure. [OMITTED] is failing in [OMITTED] and knows that if it does not radically revise the tenor of its campaign it will continue to lose whatever credibility it started with when it led the charge [OMITTED]. Like any Western political party with declining poll numbers, it hopes that if it switches horses it will recover squandered popularity. Whether [OMITTED] in fact remains in charge or not is immaterial -- this public demotion is powerful evidence that [OMITTED] is not winning a battle that it previously defined as the center of its campaign.

Written by TigerHawk April 4th. Here's the original, but it almost sounds like he's talking about this guy. It's pretty much against Tiger's creed to say anything bad about Republicans. He's so consistently in favor of Republican talking points, you'd think he's on the payroll. He's a good writer too, so if he isn't paid, he should be. Anyway, my pet conspiracy theory is that he still had this on the brain when he wrote the post, but was contractually obligated not to talk about it.


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