Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Communication Errors

The other day I was all excited because I got the chance to use a fancy new transfection method on my cells. The downside was that it would require I run an assay after midnight for two nights running. Oh well, I'm a bit of a night owl, and that's a small price to pay. So I grew up the cells, did my procedures, and waited. Yesterday's assay went fine, although the equipment I use to assay now has a fancy log-in system linked to the university accounting program, but I had instrtuctions and logged in with no problems. Today however, after I waited until midnight, and spent an hour giving my cells their terminal preparation, I found that there was a connection problem that prevented me from using the machine. So there I am. 2AM. At the culmination of an expensive multi-day experiment. Standing in front of a fully functional flow cytometer attached to a fully functional computer, that can't quite seem to connect to the accounting program that should be telling it I have permission to use it. Communication error. Cells dying unassayed. 2AM. Are you reading me? 'Cause I really need to communicate how I feel to the responsible parties and I don't want there to be any errors.


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