Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Blogroll Additions - Where I waste time

I always mean to update my blog design, but all those funny html symbols are intimidating. I did finally update my blogroll and I'll be perfectly transparent about it...I did it because I have too many bookmarked pages and wanted easier surfing.

Just the same, these fine folks influence my thought and through the bizzare psuedo-annonymity of the web, I have formed favorable opinions of them. Opinions I shall now share.

First the lefties. Simply Appalling is just that. It's pretty rare to see anything cheerful over there, kinda more like watching car accidents. I confess, I don't even know the authors pseudonym, but I'm picturing a tortured soul who blogs for the therapeutic value. Or....maybe I'm just projecting too much of myself. Anyway, SA actually sat through and transcribed the Galloway interview, which is about as comic as Congress gets. (TABLOID ALERT!! READ THE TESTIMONY CNOGRESS DIDN'T WANT YOU TO HEAR!!) That kind of patience deserves reward. Undoubtedly the best place to go if you're feeling bummed about the state of the union and need a reason why.

Next up, Talking Points Memo. I've written about TPM before, and almost feel bad including it here: its like a wolf among sheep. Josh is not only liberal (which is fine) but very much a Democrat (which is more questionable). He latches onto issues like nobody's business...probably has 200 posts on social security reform. This week he launched TPM cafe which is another blogging arena... a playground of liberal intellectuals. The question is how long do they stay intellectuals? Will their system of rating posts and comments push them further left and leave them wallowing in groupthink and conformity? It might, so catch it while it's good. This week John Edwards is blogging. Surprise. He still cares about poor people (and I always thought that was just a show).

Now the righties. Admittedly, I have issues finding conservatives I like. (I'm not sure Andrew Sullivan even counts these days...) Prerequsites include being able to think for yourself, and not mindlessly parroting GOP talking points. No rank apologists allowed (I fear TMP may have to go if Democrats ever get a majority). Being able to construct an argument is a plus, as is being somewhat libertarian. I am pleased to refer to people's attention the evidently intelligent and mostly civil Princetonian, TigerHawk. Poor TH usually only gets criticism from me, but his post on tax reform was exceptional. TH earns criticism by being thoughtful and worth debating. His blogroll has a lot of the big favorites.

Next up is an interesting individual who I have to say just lets it all out. Lee over at Right-Thinking wins on that George Bush sort of person I'd like to have a beer with. Often intelligent, but rarely intellectual, he thinks for himself and sometimes hits something good. I don't agree with a lot (ok vast majority) of his opinions, but he has a real-America feel (possibly even rednecked). Besides Lee has more opinions than most, and you're bound to like some. Here's a recent good one. Lee tells it like he sees it, and I respect that. And his by-lines are hilarious. (All Your Liberalism Are Belong to Us) Sadly, I will never post on his blog because you have to register, whatever. The other commenters won't miss me: they're kinda rabid.

Anyway, that's the scoop. Doh, I forgot fafblog. I will sneak it in some other day. Fafblog is pervasive like that.


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