Thursday, May 26, 2005

Legislators with minds of their own?

First a few moderates (term given begrudgingly) in the Senate manage to prevent a terrible idea in breaking the filibuster. (And by the way, every other blog has some verdict on the Dems or Reps winning in the deal. I don't care. America won on that deal. Politicians are supposed to compromise: that's how it works when it works well)

Now it seems the House has found some independent thought and passed a stem cell research the president had said he would veto. I'll talk more about stem cells some other time...this one is about the politics. Here's the questions:

1. Can Congress finally get out of the embarassing situation of having a President who has never vetoed anything? (lackey, lackey, lackey)
2. Will the bill be killed in the Senate (or possibly filibustered?!)
3. Will the president be seen as "An obstructionist" if he vetoes the bill?

Anyway, it appears the House is occasionally willing to respond to the voice of the people.


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