Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Rethinking Dem bashing

To anyone who's ever trotted out the tired old script on how the Democrats have no ideas, I present this bit: (via carpetbagger)

Americans believe Dems are better positioned than the GOP to make the right decisions about the war, 48% to 30%.

Who would have seen that coming? Wish we knew how many of the remaining 22% were undecided vs universally disgusted. Numbers on the economy and other topics get worse from there. The point is Republicans are good on the offensive, but it's hard to maintain good attack rhetoric without a high-profile adversary. As the Republican government overreaches and implodes, I'm reminded of the adage:

Better to be silent and thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.

Imagine the campaign commercial you could make out of that!


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