Friday, April 21, 2006

Rove to be indicted?

I doubt it. Haven't we been here before? But if you like the speculation here you go. Rove's new position outside the limelight and back behind the scenes might support the notion...or it could be all talk.

Just for reference though...another "policy advisor", Claude Allen stepped down around Feb 9th. He was ultimately arrested March 9th. So we can float the idea about for a month or two. Maybe given the way Fitzpat's been taking his sweet time we can make it 2-3. Then the trial gets scheduled to start next year, and it drags out... It's way to early to put money on this, but I'm smelling a December 2008 presidential pardon.

('Cause honestly, unless he becomes popular again, what's Bush got to lose at that point? He's about down to the die-hard life-long fans already.)


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