Monday, October 17, 2005

Thoughts and observations on Nursing

Here's a cheap observation on the nature of our medical system. Notice the layout of the medical buildings at UPenn. The majority of them are in a cluster towards the Southern end of campus. What you probably can't tell from the map is that many of the buildings in that cluster are connected either physically or by skywalks. On a rainy day you can walk from the entrance in Johnson Pavilion to John Morgan and from there to Richards, Goddard, Liedy, or Anatomy/Chemistry. Anat/Chem has a skywalk to Stellar Chance which is connected to Blockley and has a skywalk to the Biomedical Research Building 2 (BRBII). BRBII has a skywalk to the Clinical Research Building which has skywalks to both the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, the Children's Hospital of Pennsylvania, and Stemmler Hall. Stemmler is connected to Johnson, closing this 1/2 mile indoor circuit.

Ironically, the one place you can't get to indoors is right in the center: The Nursing Education Building. Surrounded by medical buildings, no one ever bothered to build a skywalk to them. Central to everything and yet continually overlooked and unrecognized. A pretty decent microcosm for nursing in general. Are the poor nursing students who have to endure a bit more rain simply victims of unintended neglect? Or is the layout designed that way to mentally prepare them for being under-appreciated in their careers?


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