Thursday, October 06, 2005

Implications of Mier's 23rd chromosome pair

Some of the spin coming out of the White House and the RNC is that these arch-conservatives are opposing Miers because she is a woman. Now I don't know if that's true, but it's an easy shot to take at these Federalist founding-father types...because well they don't really revere our founding-mothers, do they? And these guys do have that anti-feminst, anti-abortion, barefoot and pregnant aura about them. So while there may be an element of truth to that concern, there is a corresponding danger.

The danger is that we disregard valid concerns merely because the people voicing them have been painted as bigots. Especially worrisome to progressives, is the fact that Ms Miers is in the spotlight as a female. People will judge her behavior as indicative of women: the gold standard of women in law. If she is arbitrary, people will see women as arbitrary. If she is slavishly devoted to Bush, people will view women as holding personal loyalties above thought. If she is insipid in her jurisprudence people will view women as stupid.

Women have a vested interest in making sure GWB doesn't add a mediocre woman to a group of brilliant men (and of course, the equally gifted Ginsburg). The inevitable comparisons will cause sterotypes. It's not like there's a shortage of brilliant women, they just don't happen to be close personal friends of GWB. I'm not saying Miers is a mental lightwieght (atm she's an enigma), nor that Bush is intentionally setting women up, but it's a far cry from the current gold standard.


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