Thursday, October 27, 2005

Miers avoids Guantanamo bomb

So the news reporting in the UPenn paper isn't the fastest or best, but hey, it's free. Undergraduates don't care much about world news anyway. The DP usually only has 2 150-word columns on the National news. One of todays:

Miers will be asked about Guantanamo
The Chairman of the Senate judiciary Committee served notice yesterday he intends to question Harriet Miers about the Bush administration's policy of detaining suspected terrorists at Guantanamo Bay, injecting new uncertainty into a Supreme Court nomination already in doubt.

And of course, that very night she withdrew her candidacy. So was this the straw that broke the camel's back? Or was it the 2 ton weight that broke the camel's back? The most important thing to Bush is his Legacy, and there's no way he's going to risk the Senators anywhere near the torture issue. There's too many skeletons in that closet.

Anyway, the resignation pulled Specter's decision out of the news. If the DP weren't just a little slower than the average paper, I'd never have read about that final request. See if you can find it anywhere.

I feel kind of bad for Miers. She seems a nice woman, and is a victim in all this. But she wasn't significantly more qualified than any of my friends who went to law school (and while my friends are great, they aren't highest law in the country great). It had to be done, and I'll give full credit to conservative intellectuals for making it happen.

I'm not good with prognostication, but I'm going to try anyway. Next nominee:

Extreme conservative.
Male, White or Hispanic (not Gonzales for the above reasons).
Current or former judge.
Open member of Federalist society.
Will be fillibustered in Senate.

Update: found a news link with the AP story


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Protest Guantanamo. Listen to our new protest single, "Guantanamo!", at Free -- tell a friend.

12:59 AM  

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