Monday, April 18, 2005

More of the social security and all that stuff....

Josh Marshall posts a bit of strategy for Dems. Josh is good, but I think he's missed the boat. So have the Dems. Not surprisingly, the Dems can't capitalize when they have the advantage('cause when have they?).

Here's the deal. The president is losing popularity, but still a pretty likable guy. The more face-time he gets the more likable he is. The more he has to face the issues, the less likeable he is. Congress on the other hand, is disliked out-and-out. Play to that.

The president has proposed private accounts. The populace doesn't like popular accounts. Republicans will paint Dems as obstructionists to make them pay. And now, evidently Dems are afraid and running scared: possibly the worst mistake they could make. The post-analysis that I choose to believe (there are many) is that Dems lost in 2004 because the people felt they couldn't be trusted on national security. Meaning, they're a bunch of French-loving, spineless, wussie-boys (and girls).

While Dems cannot be painted as obstructionists, this is their chance to show a little mettle. MORE, this is a chance for some comeuppance and bravado. The President is strong, he's got moxy and people respond to that...why not use that? The issue as Dems should present it: "The people don't want Social Security privatized. They don't want it because they think it's a bad idea, and it is. George has come up with a visionary idea and I respect that, but it's still a bad idea. The problem is that no one within his party has the gumption to stand against him. If he says lets paint the moon purple, then the Republicans in congress are going to allocate him the money. They know it's a bad idea, but they can't say no. How many Republican senators are out actively selling this to the people? Half of them? Less than half? Well, let's just say there are a lot of really quiet Republicans. We Democrats want to prevent a really bad idea. If there were 5 fewer Democrats in congress this bill would have been rushed through and signed at midnight before anyone could think twice about it. And it turns out the bill wouldn't have had to be rushed, because even after months to see how expensive and useless this proposal is, only a handful of republicans have the guts to stand up to the President. If you don't support privitization of Social Security and you live in a Republican district, then write to your Senator and tell him that you live in his district and the President doesn't. Encourage him and help him think about the people. Help him find the courage to say no to a bad idea."

Yeah, I can't write speeches (or project policy). The point is use the president's strength to underscore the Republican Congress's weakness. They are the lackey wussies, Dems are a rare combo of brains and balls. Also, go ahead and conceed that Bush is a visionary. He is. So was David Koresh. Point out that the vision isn't good for America. In that, I agree with Josh. Make him focus on the issues. But in the big picture, this isn't about the Presidency, this is about Congress and convincing them to not implement a really bad idea. Feel free to beat them with it, and go ahead and use the president to do it.

Later drop talking points like "The President has never vetoed a single bill, because Congress bends over whenever he asks..." etc...

Note: This is also good pre-emption for 2008 Pres elections, start tar and feathering Frist and McCain now. Unless McCain switches sides on SS.


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