Sunday, September 11, 2005

The 3 C's of the Bush Administration?

I think very highly of Andrew Sullivan as a unique voice of punditry. He always has interesting things to say, and in general, they are well argued. His recent piece on the 3 C's of the Bush administration is not his best work. It's cute and catchy, but not well thought-out. Maybe it was rushed, and maybe it was forced. What are the 3 C's?:

...what you might call the three Cs dogging this administration in the wake of Hurricane Katrina: competence, cronyism and conservatism.

Yeah it's an ok read, but as I said not well thought-out. First of all the issue isn't competence, it's incompetence. Yeah you can bend it to fit the piece, but it looks bent. Let's call a spade a spade.

Second, after Colin Powell's dog-and-pony show with the white vials at the UN, after Rove's outing of CIA agents and the President's flip-flop on the decision to fire the leaker, after a senior administration offical's leak that Blanco never asked for a State-of-Emergency (when she had), assertations that the insurgency is in it 'last throes', the prosecution of a few enlisted grunts for widespread systematic torture, etc...

I don't think this is solely a competence issue. This is also a credibility issue. And that's a major C in it's own right. Shame on Andrew for omitting it.

Maybe Andrew acsribes to TigerHawk's Razor:
One of my little rules is that when a person's actions or statements force you to conclude that they are either nefarious or stupid, the most probable explanation is that they are stupid.

Yes incompetence is an issue highlighted by the hurricane, but as long as they are competent spinners (or liers), they'll never face any more accountability than they have to date.


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