Monday, March 21, 2005

Terri Terri Terri Terri Terri Terri Terri Terri Terri Terri Terri Terri

I can't believe all the news about Terri Schiavo. I guess it's a big deal and something I should be dreadfully worried about: Federal government pushing aside state courts, overriding a married next-of-kin. I just can't get too worked up about it either way. Maybe it's because I don't watch television and don't see the tearful pleas from whomever to whomever. I do think it's interesting that Republicans: who don't want to pay "entitlements" for people like Terri, generally allow hospitals to pull the plug if families don't pay, and have now removed bankruptcy protections for people who lost all their savings in medical expenses... these are the people who really want to keep Terri alive. Hmm.

Politically it's a nice tangle of yarn. Clearly Republicans are throwing the religous right a bone. (By the way, sorry for not following up on the marrige ammendment, that was just election talk.) Almost half of the House Democrats who voted went along with the bill, possibly afraid to chant "Kill, kill, kill, starve bitch starve!". 5 Republicans did vote against the bill (including Christopher Shays: not much of an ass-kisser, that one) and a huge number abstained. Whether they abstained because they didn't come back to the emergency session or because they tactily opposed it is interesting. In fact I think abstaining is the right course of action. This bill doesn't deserve a no vote. It deserves a solid note of this is not federal business. Emergency or otherwise.

I guess it's a political win for Republicans: when you pass an anti-consumer bankruptcy bill, lie to your allies, torture people, and try to weaken the most significant social insurance program ever...well that's the time to trumpet your compassionate conservative values the loudest.

The whole thing smacks of Eilian Gonzales: sensationalist mind candy waste of time.

With perhaps a little more...this is could be a nice litle trap. Potential outcomes:
1. Dems block bill. We hear about it for 100 years: 'They let that poor woman starve to death!'
2. Bill passes. Media preoccupied, we get to talk about values. Until...
3. Federal court rules the same as the previous 10 courts. ACTIVIST JUDGES!!

There are only 2 ways this could backfire for Republicans.
1. Dems push the pedulum into social reform. 'Government should provide for all disabled, etc...' (which won't happen)
2. The libertarian element of the conservative movement revolts. Not sure how influential they are anymore, but they're unlikely to make a stink over 1 person.

Since I too have now wasted undue time on the topic here is an issue much higher priority on my moral outrage scale. While Terri's malady is beyond medical and political help, these poor souls have a chance at a quality life.

Statutory rape by humanitarian workers in the Congo : Is it still statutory rape if you pay a dollar for it? How about if if it's in the middle of Africa and no one cares?

Final thoughts:
1. However you view the Terri Schiavo issue, say a prayer for Terri. She has been and is going through a terrible ordeal.
2. What kind of sick ass society lets someone die by starvation/dehyrdation? We wouldn't be allowed to kill criminals by starvation: surely loved ones deserve better?


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